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Sep 20, 2021 Paul Richardson

A warm welcome to our newest recruit, Bethany Smith

We're very excited to announce our newest recruit, Bethany Smith who started work at Vividink today as our company as PR & news administrator.

Bethany, who has a background in games design and illustration has joined us under the new 'Kickstart' scheme and will be responsible for managing the publication and distribution of our news releases and social media updates on behalf of our clients.

Paul Richardson, MD, Vividink, welcomed Bethany to the company saying, "I'm delighted that Bethany has accepted our offer of a Kickstart placement at Vividink. She gave an outstanding interview and I'm confident she will soon be an integral member of our team."

Bethany added, "I'm excited to be starting work at Vividink, and I'm looking forward to meeting all our clients and learning more about the company, public relations and the systems we use. There's a lot to learn!"




Published by Paul Richardson September 20, 2021