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May 20, 2022 David Rüder

HollyBrook Homes

Property developer Hollybrook Homes decided that it would build the first FSC-certified building in the UK, with Vividink providing media relations to celebrate the launch.

Property developer Hollybrook Homes decided to build the first FSC-certified building in the UK, where over 50% of all timber used in the building was sourced from a renewable and sustainable source. The building was a four-storey, timber-framed apartment block and, after all records were assessed, the building received FSC Certification.

Vividink's role was media relations across all media - trade, regional and national, print and broadcast to celebrate the launch of the building and to claim its place as the first of its kind in the UK.

Our role encompassed:

  • Pre-launch promotion via press and social media
  • Press and media invitations to attend the event
  • Invitation to key industry and political contacts
  • Coordination between Hollybrook Homes and the media for interviews
  • Post-event media output and news releases.

The launch received national and regional press coverage, extensive coverage in the construction industry, and architectural and timber trade media.


Published by David Rüder May 20, 2022