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Oct 01, 2017 Paul Richardson

Lauren Baxter joins Vividink

Vividink has appointed Lauren Baxter to the post of digital marketing apprentice..

We are pleased to announce that we have appointed our third apprentice, James and Harriet both having completed their courses. James stayed with us before being headhunted to a large Manchester agency where he is doing amazing things for consumer brands on Facebook. Harriet went back into education after deciding that university was worth a go.

Our latest apprentice is Lauren, who joined us in October and who has already proven herself by getting to grips with Vividink's own social media content curation as well as a few jobs for clients. Over the coming weeks and months Lauren will be working on most aspects of the digital side of the business, including using her existing photographic and video skills to create some of our own marketing content.

It's great to be able to offer an opportunity to talented and enthusiastic young people and we look forward to working with Lauren.



Published by Paul Richardson October 1, 2017