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Mar 24, 2021 Paul Richardson

Nine years at Vividink

Nine years ago today David Ruder joined Vividink as a newswriter, and during that time his output has been prodigious in both written and digital form, working across market sectors and for numerous clients.




David has penned news articles, blogs, features, nibs, opinion pieces and much more, contributing to successful campaigns for so many clients.

“David is often the point of calm in the office when everything else is running at 100mph. Laconic and erudite, he can turn a hastily communicated brief resembling word soup into a cogent piece of prose,” comment MD Paul.

Stretching his talents well beyond the written word, David has also produced many 3D renders used in campaigns, worked on making images fit for purpose and is the team’s go-to person with a camera when we can’t bring in a pro snapper.

“He’s a genuine all-rounder with an impressive knowledge of most things and vocabulary to match. With a voice like that of Stephen Fry’s favourite uncle, he really could convince you that the moon is made of cheese. I have enjoyed every moment working with David and am looking forward to many more.” added Paul.

Congratulations on 9 years at Vividink, we are all looking forward to the big one zero.

Published by Paul Richardson March 24, 2021