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Mar 04, 2024 David Rüder

Case Study: Profile building for T2S Architecture

T2S Architecture, founded in 2019 by Tom Slater ARB RIBA, is a young, fast-growing architectural practice in London that specialises in the sustainable extension and refurbishment of urban buildings. 

The Objective

T2S wanted to raise awareness of its principles and practice among an audience of home builders, property developers, and construction companies and build the profile of the company and its founder, Tom Slater, in the architectural and construction press using a mixture of earned PR, social media, and web publishing.

Vividink Role

  • Writing op-eds and feature articles for architectural, construction and design trade press
  • Pitching Tom Slater as an industry podcast guest, an expert commentator to broadcast/national media and an event speaker
  • Writing project updates for LinkedIn and T2S website
  • Producing the T2S Architecture LinkedIn newsletter
  • Copy editing existing website copy
  • Drafting business values and ethos statement


Vividink started working with T2S Architecture in December 2022

Outcomes 2023-2024

Vividink maintains a continuous campaign of scanning for speaking opportunities and invitations to contribute and, to date, has secured:

In addition, Vividink has provided writing support for updates on T2S Architecture's projects, receiving architectural drawings and plans and converting them into short, articulate web news stories for the T2S website and extended versions for LinkedIn.

Tom Slater and T2S Architecture have featured prominently both in the national press and London TV, while also being published and interviewed by trade publications, journals and podcasts. T2S Architecture strives to lead thinking about sustainable urban development through effective communication.

What the client says:

"Since beginning to work with Vividink to raise the profile of my architectural practice, I have been impressed with the results. Vividink has developed a thorough understanding of our values and ethos as a practice, and skilfully placed them in front of our target audiences. From speaker opportunities at construction conferences, to podcast profiles, and columns in the architectural press, Vividink continues to deliver our message to the people that matter."

Tom Slater, T2S Architecture

Published by David Rüder March 4, 2024