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Jul 29, 2020 Paul Richardson

Scarlet gains social media certification

It’s CPD time again, and it’s Scarlet’s turn to achieved HubSpot Certification in Social Media, which compliments her digital marketing apprenticeship course and the daily work she is doing for Vividink clients.

Scarlet commented, “Whilst on Hubspot’s Social Media Marketing course, I learnt how to build brand awareness and attract customers, which comes in handy in my Digital Marketing role at Vividink. I will now be more confident when doing inbound marketing for ourselves and our clients, utilising my newly developed skills.”

Our MD Paul added, “There’s a world of difference between saying you can do something and actually knowing how to do it. The opportunities we have through HubSpot to certify our knowledge, and to make sure that there’s nothing we are missing, means we can deliver the best possible service for our clients."

Congratulations Scarlet from everyone at Vividink and the race is on to see who passes which course next.



Published by Paul Richardson July 29, 2020