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Jan 31, 2021 Paul Richardson

The AEV Conference

The Association of Event Venues (AEV) represents event industry venues, large and small, worldwide. The association has run a successful conference for several years and 2021 conference signalled a return for the live event industry.

As part of Vividink's role as the AEV’s PR and social media partner, it was briefed to build up the conference's profile across all media channels, inviting the press and generating support from delegates to attend the event. The AEV conference was conceived to bring the operational teams together based on the success of the AEV’s working groups.

  • Pre-conference promotion via press and social media
  • Press and media invitations to attend the event
  • Coordination between the AEV and the media for interviews, podcasts and video
  • Team on site for the conference to assist and support the AEV team
  • Post-event media output and news releases
  • Social amplification of the media coverage for the association.

As a result, the event was promoted through podcasts with speakers and key personnel within the AEV membership at the conference.


Published by Paul Richardson January 31, 2021