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Oct 22, 2021 Paul Richardson

The AEV eGuide

Project Background

The Association of Event Venues is the trade association representing event venues throughout the UK, and as part of its wide range of activities, it regularly updates and publishes new editions of The eGuide. The eGuide is now the preeminent guide to health, safety, operational planning, management and on-site conduct at all UK event venues.

Each year a new edition is drafted, incorporating changes in technology, legislation, guidance and security practices, amongst many other factors, and the document is regularly updated with up-to-the-minute changes in crucial areas.

The eGuide is produced by the AEV's eGuide working group, working closely with all 13 working groups convened by the association, including 7 cross-association working groups. 

An important part of the eGuide's success and significance is the creation of timely awareness of new editions and new updates as they are published.

Vividink Role

  • Continuously promote adoption and recognition of the eGuide as the principal guiding document by UK venues through:
    • Social media campaigns supporting working group and eGuide announcements.
    • News releases announcing new editions of, and updates to eGuide
    • Columns and articles in trade press evidencing credibility and adoption of eGuide
    • Leveraging eGuide to raise AEV's profile and influence

Timescales Involved

AEV has retained Vividink for PR and social media services for 9 years during which time Vividink has worked on the publicity and news surrounding each new edition and update.


The eGuide has created a standardised set of guidelines across all participating member venues, and is recognised as an authoritative source of information by many others. The eGuide’s credibility and significance as a cross-association publication have been made to reflect well on the AEV, and its many working groups in particular.




Published by Paul Richardson October 22, 2021