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Mar 02, 2023 Bethany Smith

Vividink at International Confex, 1st March, 2023

Every year, International Confex brings together event industry professionals to connect, interact, and explore the latest trends and offerings in the sector. In this blog, Bethany, our junior account executive, recounts her experience attending the show for the first time. 

Since starting in events pr, I had heard a great deal about Confex from colleagues, clients and peers alike. The event draws in hundreds of attendees, over 180+ exhibitors and 160+ speakers each year, making it a highlight in the calendar for many across the sector. So, when I was invited to join Paul at the 2023 show, I was excited for the opportunity to offer support to our clients, catch up with familiar faces and see firsthand what International Confex was all about. 

The word that comes to mind is vibrant. Between the creative stand designs using cardboard, flowers and other unique elements, and the performers making their way around the venue, the event was buzzing with energy! Not only did it create a welcoming environment for event professionals, but it also showcased the strengths of the industry.

Some of my highlights of the day included, 

Product Launches

It’s one thing to work alongside clients on the build-up to a product launch, but it is an amazing feeling to be there for the big reveal!

During Confex, First Sight Media and Evolution Dome showcased new products. Evolution Dome unveiled its latest structure, 'The Decagon,' while First Sight Media revealed its 360-degree camera. Despite targeting very different audiences, the feelings of pride, excitement and relief were clear to see when they spoke to attendees. There was something special about being able to see that moment in person.

Evolution Dome's Decagon at Confex

Attendee Engagement

One of the most insightful parts of the day was seeing our clients in their element! Whether they were showcasing their services or networking with their peers, it was interesting to learn more about how they engage with their clients and the wider industry. 

Call me biased, but the Barmotion team never fails to prove their Rock Star status. It was exciting to see how they balanced customer service and serving refreshments, all with their signature smile. While pr often sees me typing stories behind a screen, seeing the Barmotion team inspired me to develop those client-facing skills to become a stronger professional.

And of course, the Crush drinks were a bonus!

Barmotion's mobile bar at Confex

Learning Opportunities

With the range of professionals all in one place, Confex was a great opportunity to learn. As we explored the exhibition hall, I was able to speak with people across the industry about events, industry history, journalism and, somehow, magic! As a professional and an individual, this was the most important part of Confex for me. Many times throughout the day, I left conversations feeling inspired and more certain of the kind of professional I wanted to be.

It was great to get a new perspective on our clients through the content of the event. I particularly enjoyed listening to Meshh’s head of data and analytics, Nicholas Child, who delivered a session on spatial analytics and its impact on the event industry. As a pr professional, it's important to keep expanding your understanding of your clients and the space they work in; sometimes, the best way to do so is by joining the crowd.

Nicholas Child after the session on spatial analytics at Confex


How was my first International Confex? Exciting, informative and inspirational! I enjoyed exploring the exhibition floor, networking and engaging with the various attractions around each stand. The event was inspiring as it instilled excitement from the get-go and highlighted just how grand and varied the events industry community is.

Published by Bethany Smith March 2, 2023