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Jul 13, 2023 Romina Restaino

Vividink at the ESSA AGM & Sports Day

Vividink’s managing director, Paul Richardson, and account executives, Bethany Smith and Romina Restaino, headed over to the Forest of Arden on the 12th of July, 2023, for the Event Suppliers and Services Association (ESSA) Annual General Meeting and Sports Day. 

20230712_100337The Vividink team made a quick pit stop for refreshments.

The ESSA Summer Event, consisting of two full days of activities, including the AGM and Sports Day, and the always popular ESSA Golf Day, attracted countless ESSA members from up and down the country who joined in with the networking and sporting activities. 

The key proceedings of day one included the appointment of 10 new ESSA Board Members and a discussion of the news, updates and developments from the ESSA working groups. 

It was a busy day for the Vividink team, attending the AGM and Sports Day. Participating in the planned activities, the team had a great time noting key points from the AGM, networking and catching up with some familiar faces. 

Being the first event Romina has attended with Vividink, she found the day very insightful. She met key industry professionals and documented her experience by creating a reel, which you can find here.

Published by Romina Restaino July 13, 2023