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Aug 17, 2020 Paul Richardson

Vividink makes EventWell pledge

For anyone taking the huge step into self-employment, especially in these uncertain times, it can be an exciting and frightening experience all at the same time.

When we saw the opportunity presented by EventWell to offer some support to an individual who may have chosen to make this great leap of faith, or who may be doing so because there is no other option, we knew we could offer to help.

There are many highly qualified counsellors, professional coaches and people with the skills to help on a personal level but there were few pledges that offered some help from a professional perspective, so that’s what we chose to do.

We will review and help with 6 comms plans to get you started. We will help by acting as a sounding board for ideas to get your messaging right, to help identify the most effective channels and provide ongoing support as long as it is needed.

To take up the offer of this pledge or ask any questions please head on over to the EventWell website: https://eventwell.org/eventwell-pledge/ and apply for a pledge or contact EventWell on this email: support@eventwell.org



Published by Paul Richardson August 17, 2020