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Oct 02, 2023 Romina Restaino

Vividink will be at Event Tech Live 2023

This year, Vividink MD Paul will be at Event Tech Live as part of the show's 'Meet the Expert' initiative, where a number of specialists in related disciplines will be on hand to offer a free, pre-booked, one-to-one session that will provide some key actions based on a few set of questions.

Paul is a seasoned marketer and comms specialist with over 20 years experience working with owner-managed event industry businesses, A fellow of the Chartered Institute of Marketing and a member of the Chartered Institute of Public Relations, Paul combines theory and practice into practical ways to drive the visibility of your business. 

PR with a Purpose is all about helping your business build its profile through a measurable PR and comms strategy and tactical output. The core principle Paul has worked on with clients is to ensure that they are seen, heard and understood, generating positive outcomes that have a tangible benefit to the business. Traditional PR, combined with social media PR, has opened up opportunities for your business to put its message directly in front of your target audience and to have it validated by editors of key media outlets.

If you want to see your organisation featured more often and in different ways across a range of media, then booking a session at ETL 2023 with Paul will provide some thoughtful insights.


Published by Romina Restaino October 2, 2023