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Oct 27, 2022 Paul Richardson

We are back at ETL 2022, ExCeL London

The Vividink Upload Sessions - ETL 2022 - fully confidential, light touch.

We're heading to the brilliant Event Tech Live at ExCeL London, November 16-17, 2022, taking stand B45 (right by the Main Stage and The Launchpad) and meeting up with businesses to show them how PR can be used to manage perceptions.

Why is that important?

Because most businesses leave their public perception to chance.

If you could manage it, would you?

We're inviting you to join us on the stand for 15 minutes. We'll ask you a few questions, confidentiality assured, and then send you your tailored Perception Management Checklist you can use to begin positively managing perceptions of your business.

Why does this matter?

If you don't proactively manage how your business is perceived, you leave it to other people. 

PR is a tool for shaping perceptions – consistently and reliably telling the best truth about your business to people who are listening and raising awareness of your business to those who aren't.

No matter how simple or complex your PR plans are — without them you're not in control.

We're exhibiting at Event Tech Live (stand B45 remember!) because we want to learn about all the different kinds of businesses operating in the sector today. You can join us on-stand for a session, and receive your complimentary Perception Management Checklist, by simply booking here, or dropping by at Event Tech Live - stand B45! - and claim a slot. We look forward to meeting you!

Book now for an Upload Session at ETL 2022

Published by Paul Richardson October 27, 2022